Wiener Staatsoper │ Die Zauberflöte │ Pamina

The crown of the evening goes to Zámečniková for a Pamina of heart tones: her soprano sounds full and noble, she phrases beautifully and with undisguised expression.

Die presse

The Pamina of Slávka Zámečníková is excellent in every way.


Slávka Zámečniková is an expressive Pamina.

Online merker

Slávka Zámečníková, who shows her bell-pure soprano as Pamina.

…Pamina, who is excellently sung by Slávka Zámečníková.

The world class Slávka Zámecníková (as Pamina) shows clarity, conciseness and noble performance.

Der Standard

Slávka Zámečníková impresses with the elegance of her noble soprano voice, warmth of the timbre and her noble phrasing.

Kronen Zeitung

Slávka Zámecniková was particularly convincing as Pamina in all her needs.

Salzburger Nachrichten

Slavka Zámečníková sang with limpid tone as a wonderful Pamina.

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