Hlasové dispozície sopranistky v svižne cítenom tempe sa skvele uplatnili vo virtuóznom úvodnom Allegre či lyrickom Andante sólisticky i poslucháčsky obľúbeného Mozartovho Exsultate, jubilate pre soprán a orchester. Nádherné a s ľahkosťou tvorené koloratúry naplnili jasavý žalmový charakter motetta.Magazine Hudobný život│Feb 2018
International Competition M. Schneider-Trnavsky 2017│Slovakia│•First Prize Winner•
The winner of 25+ category was Slávka Zámečníková . She performed the notoriously difficult aria, Bel raggio lusinghier from Rossinis opera Semiramide. She gave commanding performance whilst showing her delicate expression and vocal abilities to their fullest.operaplus.cz│ 28.5.2017
Slávka Zámečníková, a truly enormous talent, won the first prize. Her bold choice of Rossini’s incredibly challenging Semiramide showed her at her finest. Not only in her convincing interpretation but also in the variety of colours presented, coupled with her vocal agility and command of the extreme vocal range required, this created an incredible freedom of expression and atmosphere for all present.operaslovakia.sk│28.5.2017
International Antonín Dvořák Competition 2016│Czech Republic│•First Prize Winner•
Here she combined her brilliance of tone and emotive nature sensitively developing the interpretation throughout her performance. Her perfectly supported high notes had a delicacy to them that shone.HALÓ Noviny │ 5.12.2016
Her lyric soprano has a strong core to the vocal quality, which she showcased superbly alongside her extraordinary musicality and absolutely convincing performance throughout all rounds. In the finals she reigned supreme with her fantastic interpretation of Armida’s aria by Dvořák.National theater (Národní divadlo), No.4│ Dec 2016
…Her stunning performance of Dvořáks aria Armida in the Finals seemed unsurpassable, but somehow she managed to improve on this performance in the Prize winners concert. The young soprano was a deserved recipient of the Prague National Theater Award amongst other prizes including an Absolute Winner Award.operaplus.cz │13.11.2016